NAS 4004 Rev.15

NAS 4004 Rev.15

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $41.40.

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NAS 4004 Rev.15

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $41.40.

Fastener, 6Al-4V Titanium Alloy, Externally Threaded, 160 Ksi Ftu, 95 Ksi Fsu, 450 Degrees F

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
NAS 03/31/2015 21
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


NAS 4004 Rev.15 – Fastener, 6Al-4V Titanium Alloy, Externally Threaded, 160 Ksi Ftu, 95 Ksi Fsu, 450 Degrees F

This specification defines the requirements for titanium alloy externally threaded fasteners procured under part numbers listed on drawings which refer to this specification. Typically these fasteners are used for tension, shear, and tension-fatigue applications where 160 KSI Ftu and 95 KSI Fsu is desired with a service temperature capability to 450° F.

Requirements stipulated in purchase contracts, purchase orders, part standards and/or part drawings shall take precedence over requirements stated herein. Receiving contractors may reject any lot which does not conform.

The specification includes mechanical property requirements for three classes of fasteners, Types I, II and III.

Product Details

Rev. 15
Number of Pages:
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