API Std 653

API Std 653

Original price was: $228.00.Current price is: $136.80.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

API Std 653

Original price was: $228.00.Current price is: $136.80.

Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, Fourth Edition, Includes Addendum 1 (2010), Addendum 2 (2012), Addendum 3 (2013)
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/2009

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


Note: The redline version is a comparison between the original 2009 edition and the previous version, it does not include future addenda. However, the official base document that comes along with it does.

Covers the inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction of steel aboveground storage tanks used in the petroleum and chemical industries. Provides the minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of welded or riveted, nonrefrigerated, atmospheric pressure, aboveground storage tanks after they have been placed in service.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 2.5 MB
Redline File Size:
2 files , 4.2 MB
Part of:
API 650 & 653 SET, API 650 & 653 SET
Product Code(s):
C, C65304, C65304C, C65304, C65304C, C
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API Std 653

API Std 653

Original price was: $216.00.Current price is: $129.60.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

API Std 653

Original price was: $216.00.Current price is: $129.60.

Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, Third Edition, Includes Addendum 1 (2003), Addendum 2 (2005), Addendum 3 (2008), and Errata (2008)
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 12/01/2001

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


This standard covers carbon and low alloy steel tanks built to API Standard 650 and its predecessor, API Specification 12C.

API 653 provides minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of welded or riveted, atmospheric pressure, aboveground storage tanks after they have been placed in service. It covers the maintenance inspection, repair, alteration, relocation, and reconstruction of such tanks. The scope of this publication is limited to the tank foundation, bottom, shell, structure, roof, attached appurtenances, and nozzles to the face of the first flange, first threaded joint, or first welding-end connection.

This standard employs the principles of API 650; however, storage tank owner/operators may apply this standard to any steel tank constructed in accordance with a tank specification.

New revisions to the standard include:

  • Defining the responsibilities of the authorized inspector during repairs, alterations, and reconstruction.
  • Adding new definitions for a repair organization and a storage tank engineer.
  • Revision of the minimum weld spacing rules for tank bottom replacement.
  • Clarification of the minimum repair plate dimension for closure holes.
  • Restoring the “One-Foot Method” for determining the minimum acceptable thickness for an entire shell course.
  • Adding mandatory requirements for lap patch repair plates when used for hole closures.
  • Addition of a table listing the maximum allowable stress for materials covered in API 650.
  • New information in the NDE requirements summary in Appendix F.
  • Adding ASTM A992 to the list of acceptable specifications for structural steel shapes.
  • Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    File Size:
    1 file , 2.4 MB
    Product Code(s):
    C65303, C65303
    This product is unavailable in Russia, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran
    API Std 653

    API Std 653

    Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $153.00.

    Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

    API Std 653

    Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $153.00.

    Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, Fifth Edition, Includes Addendum 1 (2018), Addendum 2 (2020), and Errata 1 (2020)

    Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
    API 11/01/2014 189
    Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


    API Std 653 – Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, Fifth Edition, Includes Addendum 1 (2018), Addendum 2 (2020), and Errata 1 (2020)

    Please note: as a requirement of the API committee that develops this publication, some addendums may not be available as standalone files, they are simply incorporated into the base publication.

    Please note that any addenda or errata may not be included in translated editions of this standard.

    This standard covers steel storage tanks built to API 650 and its predecessor API 12C. It provides minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of such tanks after they have been placed in service and addresses inspection, repair, alteration, relocation, and reconstruction.

    The scope is limited to the tank foundation, bottom, shell, structure, roof, attached appurtenances, and nozzles to the face of the first flange, first threaded joint, or first welding-end connection. Many of the design, welding, examination, and material requirements of API 650 can be applied in the maintenance inspection, rating, repair, and alteration of in-service tanks. In the case of apparent conflicts between the requirements of this standard and API 650 or its predecessor API 12C, this standard shall govern for tanks that have been placed in service.

    This standard employs the principles of API 650; however, storage tank owner/operators, based on consideration of specific construction and operating details, may apply this standard to any steel tank constructed in accordance with a tank specification.

    This standard is intended for use by organizations that maintain or have access to engineering and inspection personnel technically trained and experienced in tank design, fabrication, repair, construction, and inspection.

    This standard does not contain rules or guidelines to cover all the varied conditions which may occur in an existing tank. When design and construction details are not given, and are not available in the as-built standard, details that will provide a level of integrity equal to the level provided by the current edition of API 650 must be used.

    This standard recognizes fitness-for-service assessment concepts for evaluating in-service degradation of pressure containing components. API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Fitness-For-Service, provides detailed assessment procedures or acceptance criteria for specific types of degradation referenced in this standard. When this standard does not provide specific evaluation procedures or acceptance criteria for a specific type of degradation or when this standard explicitly allows the use of fitness-for-service criteria, API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 may be used to evaluate the various types of degradation or test requirements addressed in this standard.

    Product Details

    Number of Pages:
    File Size:
    1 file , 3.5 MB
    Redline File Size:
    2 files , 13 MB
    Product Code(s):
    C65305 CN1480, C65305, C65305, C65305, C65305, C65305 CN1480, C65305, C65305, C65305, C65305 CN1480, C65305
    This product is unavailable in Russia, Cuba, Syria, North Korea, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran