API RP 1165 (R2018)

API RP 1165 (R2018)

Original price was: $165.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

API RP 1165 (R2018)

Original price was: $165.00.Current price is: $99.00.

Recommended Practice for Pipeline SCADA Displays, First Edition

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
API 01/01/2007 58
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


API RP 1165 (R2018) – Recommended Practice for Pipeline SCADA Displays, First Edition

This Recommended Practice (RP) focuses on the design and implementation of displays used for the display, monitoring, and control of information on pipeline Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA). The primary purpose is to document industry practices that provide guidance to a pipeline company or operator who want to select a new SCADA system, or update or expand an existing SCADA system.

Assists pipeline companies and SCADA system developers in identifying items that are considered best practices when developing human machine interfaces (HMI). Design elements that are discussed include, but are not limited to, hardware, navigation, colors, fonts, symbols, data entry, and control selection techniques.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 950 KB
Product Code(s):
D11651, D11651, D11651
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