ACI 365.1R

ACI 365.1R

Original price was: $74.50.Current price is: $44.70.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

ACI 365.1R

Original price was: $74.50.Current price is: $44.70.

Report on Service-Life Prediction

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ACI 09/01/2017 60
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


ACI 365.1R – Report on Service-Life Prediction

This report presents information to the owner and design professional on the service life prediction of new and existing concrete structures. Key factors controlling the service life of concrete and methodologies for evaluating the condition of the existing concrete structures, including definitions of key physical properties, are also presented. This report assists in the application of available methods and tools to predict the service life of existing structures and provides procedures that can be taken at the design and construction stage to increase the service life of new structures. Techniques for predicting the service life of concrete and the relationship between economics and the service life of structures are discussed. Examples provided discuss which service life techniques are applied to concrete structures or structural components. Needed developments to improve the reliability of service life predictions are also identified.

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