ISA 75.17

ISA 75.17

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $33.00.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

ISA 75.17

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $33.00.

Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ISA 04/01/1989 32
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


ISA 75.17 – Control Valve Aerodynamic Noise Prediction

This standard establishes a method to predict the noise generated in a control valve of standarddesign by the flow of compressible fluid and the resulting noise outside of the pipe anddownstream of the valve. The transmission loss ( TL) equations are based on a rigorous analysisof the interaction between the sound waves that exist in the pipe and the many coincidencefrequencies in the pipe wall. Commercial pipe specifications allow a relatively wide tolerance inpipe wall thickness. This limits the value of the very complicated mathematical methods requiredfor a rigorous analysis; calculations prove that a simplified expression is justified.The equations in this standard make use of the valve sizing factors defined in ANSI/ISA-S75.01and ANSI/ISA-S75.02.This method was developed from the fundamental principles of acoustics, fluid mechanics, andmechanics.

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