ISA RP77.60.02

ISA RP77.60.02

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $41.40.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

ISA RP77.60.02

Original price was: $69.00.Current price is: $41.40.

Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface: Hard Panel Alarms

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ISA 11/10/2014 28
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


ISA RP77.60.02 – Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface: Hard Panel Alarms

This recommended practice is provided for the benefit of design engineers and, ultimately, plant operators. Use of this recommended practice will result in a more coherent and useful application of plant alarms for operations personnel. The goal of this recommended practice is to reduce alarm discrepancies, clutter, excessive noise levels, and information overload, but it is not intended for post-factum analysis of events.

This recommended practice will address the following alarm-related issues.

  • Functional grouping
  • Prioritization
  • Order and consistency
  • Colors
  • Formats and displays
  • Audio tone and pitch
  • Acknowledge, reset, and test functions
  • Nuisance alarms

These items are addressed both individually and with respect to their relationships with one another.

This recommended practice pertains to alarms displayed using lights or light boxes, but not software-based alarms (e.g., CRP-based alarms) and is intended to supplement the information provided by ISA-18.1-1979 (R2004), Annunciator Sequences and Specifications.

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