BS 12999

BS 12999

Original price was: $276.86.Current price is: $166.12.

Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable

BS 12999

Original price was: $276.86.Current price is: $166.12.

Damage management. Code of practice for the organization and management of the stabilization, mitigation and restoration of properties, contents, facilities and assets following incident damage

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 11/30/2015 40
Digital PDFMulti-User AccessPrintable


BS 12999 – Damage management. Code of practice for the organization and management of the stabilization, mitigation and restoration of properties, contents, facilities and assets following incident damage

BS 12999:2015 gives recommendations for the organization andmanagement of assessment, stabilization, mitigation and restoration ofproperties, contents, facilities and assets following incident damage.

This standard is intended to provide recommendations to individual damagemanagement practitioners and organizations involved in carrying out damagemanagement. It is applicable to domestic, commercial and public buildings.

NOTE This standard might be of interest to property owners, their insurers andtheir respective agents; risk and business continuity managers and other interestedparties identified in 0.1.

Cross References:
BS 85500
BS EN ISO 22301:2014
PAS 64
PD 25888
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
CIRIA C623:2005

All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.

Product Details

Number of Pages:
File Size:
1 file , 900 KB
Product Code(s):
30296352, 30296352, 30296352
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